Dec 15, 2017

Storks: Used to x Simple Present

Watch the movie segment and write sentences saying what the storks job used to be like. Then write sentences saying what their jobs are like nowadays.

What their jobs used to be like? What did storks use to do?

What their jobs are like nowadays. What do storks do?



Nov 30, 2017

The Great Wall & Baraka: Both...

Talk to partner. Can you explain the difference between a Ritual and a Tradition?

Share your guesses with the class.

Read the paragraphs about tradition and ritual.

Tradition is a generic term that encompasses a wide variety of things and concepts that are handed down by one generation to another. A tradition is an act, behavior, or a belief system which has a special significance for the members of the society.

Ritual is an act or a series of acts that are performed or observed in a society. In every society, important functions, events, ceremonies, festivals  are marked by certain acts or a series of acts that are perceived to have a symbolic value. Rituals are observed almost religiously because, in most cases, they have a religious backing and, therefore, considered important for individuals in the society. It is the presence of rituals that make an event formal and traditional.

According to the definitions above, decide which situations are rituals and traditions.

  1. a handshake to greet others
  2. the practice to honor and respect the seniors
  3. exchanging wedding rings on the alter
  4. bride's wearing white on the wedding day
2, 4

1, 3 

Watch the movie segment from the movie The Great Wall and make a list of  acts involved in the rituals of the scene. Can you see any traditions? Have in mind the acts, clothes, feelings, etc.

Watch the segment from the fantastic movie,  Baraka, and compare both rituals. Write sentences with BOTH:


Both means 'this one and that one', 'these two together', 'at the same time' (it always precedes two elements):

Ex: Both my parents are from Brazil. My mother is from Salvador and so is my father.

Ex: Burger King sells both burgers and fries. Burg sells burgers and also fries.

Both can also be used as a pronoun:

Ex: Both of them work near their homes. Those two people work near their homes.

Ex: I saw two shirts in the store and I bought them both. 

I saw two shirts in the store and I bought the two of them.

1 - ________________
2 - ________________ 
3 - ________________ 
4 - ________________ 
5 - ________________

Nov 15, 2017

Allied: Prepositions

I. Watch the movie segment and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition, according to the segment.

1. The soldier fell __________ (in / on / at) the sand of countless dunes. He started walking _________   (in / on / at) the desert.

2. The desert is  ___________ (in/ at / on) Morocco and the passage happened _______ (in/ on / at) 1943.

3. He was wearing a scarf __________ (under / around/ over) his head. He finally found a sandy road and started walking ______ (on / at/ back) it.

4. There were many documents ______ (in/ on / at) his suitcase. There were two machine guns ___________ (in/ on / at) a compartment _________ (under/ behind/ by) his personal belongings.

5. There was a wedding ring ____ (in/ around / at) a small blue box.

Answer key:

1. on - in
2. in - in
3. around - on
4. in - in - under
5 - in

Oct 25, 2017

Hotel Transylvania 2: Simple Present


Watch a traditional monster wedding in the segment. Make a list of a few things that happen during a wedding and that do not happen in a traditional human wedding. Then write a few things that happen in both monsters and humans weddings. Pay close attention to the guests, families, maid of honors, the bride and the groom, the decoration, among other features

It happens in a monster's wedding but not in a human's one.


It happens in both a monster's and in a human's wedding,


Discuss in pairs:

1. What's your opinion about this kind of wedding?
2. Talk about an unusual wedding you have gone to or seen on TV.
3. Talk about the kind of wedding you would like to have (or talk about your own wedding).



Oct 15, 2017

Sing: WH-Questions

This is one of my favorite movies I have seen this year. You can't miss it.

Watch the movie segment:

These are a few of the characters of the movie "Sing". Write questions to the answers below.

1) _________________________________________________ ?
Johnny sings in an alley.
2) __________________________________________________ ?
He sings romantic songs.
3) ___________________________________________________ ?
Rosita sings in the kitchen while she feeds the children.
4) ___________________________________________________ ?
She has many children.
5) ___________________________________________________ ?
Ash plays the guitar.
6) ____________________________________________________ ?
Meena sings very well, but she is very shy.
7) ____________________________________________________ ?
Mike plays the saxophone.

 Talk with a partner.

1) Can you sing well? Can you play a musical instrument?
2) What are your favorite singers and bands?
3) What kind of music do you like?
4) Where do you like to sing?
5) Do you like TV programs, such as The Voice, America's Got Talent, among other singing contests TV programs?


1) Where does Johnny sing?
2) What kind of music does Johnny (like to) sing?
3) Where does Rosita sing?
4) How many children does Rosita have?
5) What musical instrument does Ash play?
6) How does Meena sing?
7) What musical instrument does Mike play?



Sep 15, 2017

The Other Side of the Door: What If

This is a scary movie and this scene is really intriguing. I hope you like it.

What if is usually used in the beginning of a question, when we ask about the consequences of an action. We use what if here to indicate present or future situations.

For example,

What if there is no fish in the ocean? You won’t be able to fish for the family
What if I go home earlier? You will miss all the important decisions of the meeting.

Watch the movie segment  and say how the main character would probably answer the question. Follow the examples above.

What if I could bring your son back to you just one more time?
What if I could give you the chance to say your final goodbye?

Work in pairs: Think about two possible answers.

Make a guess based on the evidence provided by the segment: What if she opens the door?

1. ________________________ 
2. ________________________ 

What about you? How would you react to the offer?

Aug 30, 2017

The Beauty and the Beast: Relative Clauses: Quantifiers with Relative Pronouns

Quantifiers with relative pronouns

many of whom - most of whom - one of which - none of whom
some of which - lots of whom - two of which, among others.

We can use them as subject, object or object of a preposition.


She has three brothers, two of whom live in Brazil.
I read three books last week, one of which I really hated.
There were some good songs on the concert's playlist, none of which I listened to.

I. Watch the movie segment and talk to a partner.

1. Describe the scene.
2. What is the prince's personality?
3. What is the curse the old lady put on him?
4. Do you believe in curses? Why (not)?

 II. Complete the blanks with a quantifier and a pronoun, according to the information provided by the segment.

Many/Most/Some/A few/None/Lots/One +  OF + Whom/Which

1. There were many elegant ladies on the ballroom, ____________ were wearing white and ______________ was wearing blue, the singer.

2. The intruder opened the window of the ballroom lit by candles, ______________ went out in the wind.

3. When they saw the old woman's transformation, the guests, _______________  did not witness her putting the curse on the prince, ran away from the ballroom without looking back .

4. The servants used to have memories of the kingdom, _____________  were erased by the enchantress from the minds of the people they loved.

Answer key:

1.  Most of whom /  One of whom
2. Some of which
3. Most of whom
4. All of which



Aug 14, 2017

Batman - The Dark Knight Rises: Simple Past x Past Continuous

This awesome activity was provided by Antonella Amen from a country I love, Argentina. I hope you enjoy it. 

My name is Antonella Alem. I'm from Entre Ríos, Argentina. I've been teaching to students of different ages since 2012. Right now, I am working at a private school of English and I have a group of kids, two groups of teenagers and a group of adults.


A.        Watch the video and answer these questions.


1.         How many robbers were there? _______________________
2.        How did the get to the bank? _________________________
3.        What were they wearing to hide their faces? What type? ____________     
4.        What did one robber put in a man’s hands? ____________________
5.        Where did they put the money? __________________________
6.       How did the Joker leave the bank? ________________________

B.         Watch the video again and complete these sentences using the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs .

1.         A man _____________ (break) a window and then ______________ (shoot) his weapon.
2.        A man _________________ (wait) in the street when a car ______________ (arrive) and he ____________ (get) in it.
3.        Three men ___________________ (travel) by car while they _______________ (talk) and_____________ (load) their guns.
4.        While the three men __________________ (enter) into the bank, one of them _____________ (start) shooting.
5.        One robber _____________ (kill) another one while he __________________ (disconnect) the bank alarm.
6.        While a robber _________________ (try) to open the bank vault door, he _____________ (be) electrocuted.
7.        One robber _________________ (shout) at the people when the bank manager __________ (shoot) him.
8.        The bank manager ______________ (shoot) at the robbers while they ________________ (run) and ____________ (hide).
9.        When a robber __________ (open) the vault, the other one ____________ (kill) him and ___________ (entered) to the room where the money was
10.      While two robbers ________________ (argue), a bus _____________ (hit) one of them.
11.        The Joker ___________ (put) a bomb in the manager’s mouth, ___________ (get) into the bus and _____________ (leave) the bank

  1. Now is your turn to write your own story about a robbery. Use the following questions as a guide and don’t forget to use both past tenses as well as WHEN and WHILE. Write between 80 to 100 words.

ü  Where was the robbery?
ü  When did it take place?
ü  How many robbers were there?
ü  Were they wearing disguises?
ü  Were they armed?
ü  How many robbers were there?
ü  What did the workers and customers do?
ü  Was anybody injured?
ü  What did the robbers take?
ü  How did they get away?
ü  Who called the police?
ü  When did the police arrive?
ü  Have the robbers been caught yet?


Jul 30, 2017

The BFG: Imperative Forms with NEVER

This is a lovely movie about how physical appearances can mislead us into not knowing the real/whole person.


Negative Imperatives Using Never / Don't Ever

Never do that again.
Never leave your wallet in your car.
Never steal from anyone.
Don't ever lie to anyone.
Don't ever travel without your documents.

Work in small groups:

I. Make a list of 5 things that you are never allowed to do in your house. What have your parents told you never do. (Or that you tell your children never do)

Ex: Never play with fire.

Share your list with the class. Check what  task is the most recurrent task  students must never do at home.

II. Make  predictions. What do you think are the three rules all children have to follow in an orphanage. Write sentences starting with NEVER.

III. Watch the segment and check your answers.

Answer Key:

Never get out of bed
Never go to the window
Never look behind the curtains



Jul 15, 2017

Tangled: Adjectives, Describing People

This awesome activity was provided by a reader, Fabiana de Souza. Thanks, Fabiana, for sharing such a creative exercise.

My name's Fabiana. I'm Paranaense but I live in Sorocaba - São Paulo.
I love studying and teaching English. It's something that makes me really happy.
I work at Dialeto Idiomas ( and I use Claudio's website a lot (I'm a big fan).
Enjoy your studies everybody. The magically long-haired Rapunzel is the missing daughter of a Queen and King.  She was kidnnapped by Mother Gothel and raised as her daughter in a high tower in an isolated area. The adventure begins when Princess Rapunzel meets Flynn Rider. I really like this movie and I watch it every single week :)


What does she look like?

 What does she look like?

What does she look like?

What does he look like?
 What does he look like?
What does he look like?


Match the adjectives with the definitions and then complete with an opposite adjective from the list.
Definitions from 

ADJECTIVES : friendly   funny    generous     lazy   shy   smart   talkative

OPPOSITE : cheap  extrovert hardworking quiet serious  stupid  unfriendly

a- behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like somebody or want to help them

_______________________              _____________________________

b – making you laugh; amusing

_______________________                              _____________________________

c- giving or willing to give freely

_______________________              _____________________________

d- unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible

_______________________               _____________________________

e- nervous or embarassed about meeting or speaking to other people

_______________________                _____________________________

f- intelligent

_______________________                 _____________________________

g- liking to talk a lot

_______________________                _____________________________

h- Now watch the segment and describe the characters. What is he like? What is she like? 

3- Listen the song again and complete the lyrics. 

Read the song lyrics. Then listen to the song and complete each verse with the correct words.

sprout safe and sound wrong sapling scary fragile

You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel...!
Look at you, as __________ as a flower
Still a little____, just a_______
You know why we stay up in this tower

I know but...

Mother Gothel:
That's right, to keep you________, dear
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet


Mother Gothel:
Trust me, pet
Mother knows best
Mother knows best
Listen to your mother
It's a ______ world out there
Mother knows best
One way or another
Something will go________, I swear
Ruffians, thugs
Poison ivy, quicksand
Cannibals and snakes
The plague

Rapunzel:                                    Mother Gothel:                   Rapunzel:
No!                                              Yes!                                     But--

sloppy alone large underdressed clumsy pointy immature late

Mother Gothel:
Also _____ bugs
Men with _____ teeth, and
Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Mother's right here
Mother will protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest
Skip the drama
Stay with mama
Mother knows best
Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino
Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you
Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die _______here, be my guest
When it's too _______
You'll see, just wait
Mother knows best
Mother knows best
Take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
_________,  ___________
_________, ___________
chubby naive vague ditzy gullible grubby

Please, they'll eat you up alive
_________, __________
Positively _________
__________ and a bit, well, hmm ________
Plus, I believe
Gettin' kinda  _________
I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you
Mother understands
Mother's here to help you
All I have is one request


Mother Gothel:
Don't ever ask to leave this tower again.

Yes, Mother.

Mother Gothel:
I love you very much, dear.

I love you more.

Mother Gothel:
I love you most.
Don't forget it
You'll regret it
Mother knows best



Jun 20, 2017

La La Land: Narratives, Paragraph Writing

It is so rare to see good musicals on the big screen that it makes this movie really special.

Watch the movie segment. Then come up with a story to go along with the scene. 

Narrative writing is formatted like a story. This means all narrative writing has a setting and plot with characters, conflict and resolution, and a beginning, middle and end. Even pieces that are not themselves stories are written with the same structure. Like most forms of writing, narratives have a message for the reader. Unlike other forms of writing, this message is usually implied through the events of the story and the decisions or dialogue of the characters rather than explicitly spelled out. 

There are many different transition words you could use to let your audience know the events in your narrative. You could use first, next, then, and last. You could use first, second, third, and finally. You could start with first of all, afterwards, soon after that, and later. 

Now watch the movie segment and have a narrator read the narrative you came up with as the scene develops. Be creative and imaginative.