Oct 8, 2008

Hancock: Past Continuous x Simple Past

Check out this activity to practice simple past x past continuous. I recommend it for adults because of the language used. Tell me how you like it by adding a comment, please

Before watching the segment:

Discuss the following questions with a partner:

1) Would you like to be a Super Hero? Why (not)?

2) What super powers would you like to have?

3) Which of the super powers you mentioned would you consider the
most important one?

4) How different would your life be if you had this super power?

5) Would you keep your super powers a secret? Why (not)?

Watch the movie segment and fill in the blanks with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1) Hancock _____________ (sleep) on the bench when a boy _________ (wake) him up.

2) A young lady ____________ (walk) on the street when Hancock ________ (touch) her back.

3) Several birds ________ (hit) him when he ____________ (fly) with a bottle of liquor in his hand.

4) Hancock __________ (fly) and ___________ (drink) when he _______ (hit) a traffic sign.

5) Hancock _________ (try) to persuade the foreigners to surrender when they _____ (shoot) him.

6) Hancock ___________ (throw) their car at the building when he _________ (fly) and _________ (carry) their car around the city.

After watching the segment:

Discuss the following questions about the segment:

1) What’s the matter with Hancock’s super powers?

2) Would you like to be Hancock? Why (not)?

3) What advice would you give him?

How to prepare your own video activity:

• Select a scene in which the characters’ actions are interrupted during the segment.

• Prepare an exercise in which the students have to identify when to use the target structures.

. Prepare pre and post viewing questions to activate schemata.




  1. Hancock is a story of a superhero named John Hancock who has a hard time coping with his life.It was funny at the beginning but turned out to be a sad love story when Mary revealed the truth.The movie was funny, easy to watch, and very easy to enjoy...you can also watch this funny movie from here and enjoy the time....
    Download Hancock Movie Free...

  2. I agree. It is a nice movie with a lot of emotion behind the lines.

  3. Hancock is a movie that makes me laugh, cry, and cheer. My only complaint of this movie was, IT WAS TOO SHORT!!!! Will Smith is always a treat to see at the movies. But I must say this was worth the whole family going to. So wanna watch this movie with your family at your home, then go ahead and get it now. Hancock Movie Download

  4. I took this one to my teen intermediate class. Boy, did they have fun. Thank you, Cláudio for sharing these fabulous ideas!

  5. Thanks Ana. Yes, it is really great for teens. See you around.

  6. How can I download this extract?!
    I thought it was on Youtube, but i didnt find it... :((

  7. Dear Mari,
    To download the segment, you must have realplayer - at least that's how I do it. Download the free version at wwww.realplayer.com. After you install it, all you'll have to do is scroll the mouse over the video screen and you will be offered an option to download it. That's how I download videos fron youtube. See yoo

  8. I need answers. WHO KNOW?

  9. I was looking for activities with videos because I am working my tesis with audiovisual aids and classroom interaction, Thanks, i will implement tomorrow in my class the activity proposed by you and then, I will tell you the result.

  10. Thanks, let me know how it works. See you.

  11. Hey, Claudio, great work! Let me point out, though, that #5 is incorrect in stating that the criminals in the car are Japanese. Even though Hancock says, "konnichiwa" (hello), they deny being Japanese. Also, the language they earlier spoke was not Japanese; it seems tonal, Chinese? You know, Hollywood is not famous for getting such details correct. However, they may be purposely exploiting a stereotype of the "inner city black weak at foreign languages." (Hancock mistakes Chinese? being Japanese.) Anyway, if I am correct about the mistake on your worksheet, I think you will want to change it. Ray

  12. Thanks a lot for the precious feedback. Being Brazilian, I perfectly understand what you mean about stereotyped cultures and characters shown by Hollywood filmmakers. As I don't speak Japanese, I assumed the information I wrote on the worksheet. I will certainly change it - maybe "foreigners" would do. Thanks for taking your time giving me such important feedback. Claudio

  13. Thanks a lot for the precious feedback. Being Brazilian, I perfectly understand what you mean about stereotyped cultures and characters shown by Hollywood filmmakers. As I don't speak Japanese, I assumed the information I wrote on the worksheet. I will certainly change it - maybe "foreigners" would do. Thanks for taking your time giving me such important feedback. Claudio

  14. First, I want to apologize because I had not commented about the development of the activity related to Hancock.

    Well, the activity was a success altough it required a lot of time to develop, in this case the group does not have enough knowledge about the language in terms of speaking or discuss about the questions and justify them.

    Besides, It provides a descentralized teacher and another source to get information, showing a possible context of the things, or some things which they know about their enviroment.

    One thing to add is the use of videos as authentic material, which are not things properly created to educational purposes, but are adapted to supply certain needs.

    That's all, thank you very much to let know this kind of activities, and permit us to expose or to use another kind of task to develop inside the classroom.

  15. Thanks for the suggestions and feedback.

  16. Downloading it is easy, click on the title, next in the new opened window, click on the download tab... ready... download will start.

  17. Hello, I really love this activity but, regardless of the other posts, I am unable to download the link, nor find it anywhere else on youtube or related servers.

    My computer does not support realplayer, so that is not a possibility for me. Could you please help me to download the Hancock video?

    Thank you sincerely.

  18. Try the link I have just added to the end of the post, please. See you.

  19. wow!! really cool activity but I couldn't download it :/ can you fix it please? my kids would love this activity
