Mar 30, 2013

Frankenweenie: Relative Clauses

This is a beautiful, touching movie. The sad scenes are really moving, but the message is uplifting. By the way, the movie is black and white.

I. Watch the movie segment and connect the lines from the movie. Write (restrictive)  relative clauses saying what Mr. Whiskers dreamed about the characters below. Begin your sentences this way:

1. He dreamed about Bob. He fell in a manhole.

Mr. Whiskers dreamed that (Bob) _____________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________________ .

He dreamed about Toshiaki the day he pitched a perfect game.

3. ______________________________________________________________ .

And Nassor the day he got knocked unconscious.

II. Write what Mr. Whiskers dreamed about Victor.



III. Work in pairs:

1. Do you believe that dreams can tell us about the future? Why (not)?

2. Have you ever dreamed about something that came true after some time? Talk about it.

3. Would you change traveling plans if you dreamed about an airplane crash in the previous night? Explain it.




  1. Friends that actually know how to have a good time. Friends in the lifestyle.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I can't find the link to download this movie (the other ones have a direct link, but can't find this one).

    BTW, This is the first practical thing I've implemented from the TESOL conference. Thanks!

  4. It is not ready yet. I'm out of town, so I will be able to do it when I return. Sorry about that.

  5. Check it out now. Everything is available. See you. It was great to have you in Dallas.

  6. Hi' Claudio, could you tell me your email address to send you an inbox please? Veronica
