Dec 1, 2011

1.000.000 Visitors!

Thank you all for 1.000.000 hits on Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals. This is a motivating number that will certainly make me keep on sharing my activities!


  1. Congrats on the great job, Dear Friend! You've helped a lot of people with your wonderful ideas.

  2. Parabéns por seu excelente trabalho. Posso dizer que sou um fã de cinema, e principalmente de seu blog. Espero que um dia o meu chegue lá! Abração e muito sucesso.

  3. Obrigado, Fabio. Certamente você chegará lá. Acredite nas suas idéias. Abraço.

  4. Parabéns! O sucesso é fruto do trabalho bem feito! Você merece!

  5. Claudio,

    Your work is so inspiring. I use one of your activities every week, and my students always love them.
    Keep going!!! And thank you so much for sharing all your hard work with the rest of the world.

    Inés (Spain)

  6. It is wonderful to hear that. Thanks.

  7. Claudio, vc está sempre de parabéns... o seu blog é maravilhoso e nem precisa dizer o quanto eu e os meus alunos adoramos!!! Sucesso sempre pra vc! Beijos de SSA

  8. Thanks, Ana.
    Your words are really motivating. See you.

  9. Hello, Claudio.
    I would like to thank you for your work!
    It is simply awesome!
    It helps me a lot to prepare a more dynamic class.
    I would like to ask if you have any video to explain THERE IS and THERE ARE.
    Thank you once again!

  10. Yes, there are. Check on the sidebar the grammar point THERE + TO BE. There are many activities there. Thanks for your words.
