Jul 2, 2011

Up: Used to

In my opinion, this is the best animated movie of all times. I laughed, but I cried a little too. This touching story has this beautiful scene that I used to practice the use of USED TO. It is great for the simple past tense too, but this will come up at a different post. Hope you enjoy it like my students did.

I. Watch the movie segment and check the activities the couple used to do during the years they lived together.

1 ( ) work around the house together

2 ( ) do home improvement

3 ( ) look for object shapes in clouds

4 ( ) swim on the beach

5 ( ) travel around the world

6 ( ) sell balloons

7 ( ) read books together

8 ( ) share the good and bad moments of life

9 ( ) save money for rainy days

10 ( ) go windsurfing

11 ( ) wear different kinds of ties

12 ( ) dance romantically

13 ( ) Be happy

14 ( ) Fight all the time

Answers: Incorrect items - 4, 5, 10, 14

II. Now write the items above using USED TO or DIDN'T USE TO.
1. They used to work around the house together.


  1. Thanks for sharing it! Very nice activity!

  2. Olá Claudio. Há muito tempo venho querendo te parabenizar pelo excelente material. Sou Lucila, amiga da Evânia. Tenho usado movie segments em sala e o interesse é grande por parte dos alunos. Gostaria de saber se vc conhece Jamie Keddie. Ele faz um trabalho parecido, de excelente qualidade igualmente. Um grande abraço.
    Lucila Quartim Barobsa

  3. Claudio. Há muito venho querendo parabenizá-lo pelo incrível material que voce gentilmente se dispôs a partilhar conosco, professores e educadores. Sou amiga da Evânica, aqui de SJCampos. Muito obrigada.
    Parabéns !!!!!

    Lucila Q.barbosa

  4. Oi Lucila.
    Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Eu não conheço Keddie, mas vou buscá-lo para conecer o seu trabalho. Obrigado pela dica.

  5. Thanks in advance. You maybe don't believe this, but you saved my life in three different ways.

  6. thanks for sharing. You may not believe this, but you saved my life in three different ways.

  7. Thanks for creating the blog and sharing it. I love it, my students love it and keep asking for "tasks with movies":)
