Mar 17, 2011

TESOL 2011 - New Orleans

The TESOL Convention in New Orleans has just ended and I attended very interesting sessions. My presentation was Saturday and I everything worked out. If you attended the convention, please tell us what you thought about it and if you enjoyed it.


  1. I found the session very informative and interesting and I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to shar e teh ideas with the other teachers at El Cultural, Trujillo Peru. After which I hope that we can start to build up our own film clip library, which once tried and tested could be posted on the internet to share with others.
    I am also interested in an using the movie segments to not only assess grammar, but in enabling the students to create their own movie clip which expresses the same kind of situation. Therefore, backing up grammar work with oral work. I will be trying some ideas out in a drama club.
    I was extremely lucky to be able to attend the workshop and it has opened up a whole field of potential work in class as students are definitely turned on by the use of film segments.
    I can't thank you enough.

    Tracy Alvarez

  2. Dear Tracy,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. Your goals are awesome and Im' sure you will be successful. Thanks for being around
    See you.
