Mar 7, 2010

Mr. Woodcock: Modals for Obligation - Must, Can't

This movie is funny and this opening scene shows the traumatic experience the main character had with his mother's future husband, Mr Woodcock, the teacher. I used it to practice modals for obligation and prohibition.

A. Work in small groups. Make a list of 5 qualities or characteristics a good teacher must (has to) have and which ones he can't have.

He / She MUST:

1 ................................................
2 ................................................
4 ................................................
5 ................................................

He / She CAN'T:

1 ................................................
2 ...............................................
3 ...............................................
4 ...............................................
5 ...............................................

B. Now watch the movie segment. Which of the characteristics you have listed before apply to Mr. Woodcock?

C. Imagine you are talking to Mr. Woodcock now. Tell him what he must (has to) do and what he can't do to become a better teacher.

1 .....................................................
2 ....................................................
3 ....................................................
4 ...................................................
5 ...................................................

D. Talk to a partner:

1. Would you like to have a teacher like Mr. Woodcock? Why (not)?

2. Have you ever had a teacher like him? If so, talk about it.

3. What would you do if your teacher treated you like Mr. Woodcock treated some of his students?

4. Are there teachers like Woodcock?

5. Who is your favorite teacher? Why do you like him / her so much?




  1. Hi Cláudio! I attended your conference at ABS last February in BsAs. I loved it and think the blog is wonderful, helping us, teachers, with great ideas to use in our classes, and everything becomes aesy as snapping our fingers!. To send you some stuff, shall I write to your e-mail? Kindest regards from Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

  2. Thanks, Cecilia. I loved being in Buenos Aires. If you have an activity or material you would like to publish here, email it to me at See you around. Regards!

  3. I came across this blog just by chance! The work you do is lovely! I'll borrow the activity for modals of obligation for my practice lessons! Do you publish your news anywhere in the blog? Because I've read you've been to Argentina before, if you happen to come again for any course I'd love to attend them! Please let me know! =)
    Thanks again! Love from Bs As!

  4. Dear karina,
    Thanks for your words. Well, I've just been to Argentina. Just last week. It was my last workshop presentation. Next time I go, I'll put an ad on my blogs. Thanks, see you.
