Jul 19, 2009

Meet the Robinsons: 3rd Conditional

This movie is wonderful. It is appealing to both children and adults. I love animated movies and this one is really special. I selected two scenes of the movie. The first one, when Lewis is abandoned by his Mom, and another one very close to the ending, when he travels back in time and has the chance to talk to his mom and change his past. The activity is also divided into two parts. It is perfect to practice the 3rd conditional in a creative and contextualized manner.

A. Watch the first part of the video segment. Because Lewis's mother left him at he door of a foster home, here are a few consequences of this act in his life. Check the ones YOU believe are possible:

1. He never met his biological mom.
2. He was raised in a foster home.
3. He was never adopted.
4. His life was lonely.
5. He did not have many friends.
6. He always wanted to meet his real mother.
7. He became a clever child anyway.
8. Many foster parents interviewed and refused to adopt him.

Part 1

B. Now watch the second part of the video segment. It took place 12 years later. Lewis traveled back in time and had the chance to change his past.

C. Now rewrite the statements in exercise A, saying how different Lewis’s life might/could/would have been if he had changed his past. Make sure you use the 3rd conditional.

If Lewis

1. He would have met his biological mother.

2. ......................................................................

3. .....................................................................

4. ....................................................................

5. ....................................................................

6. ....................................................................

7. ....................................................................

8. ...................................................................

Answer Key:

2 - He wouldn't have been raised in a foster home.
3 - He wouldn't have been adopted.
4 - His life might not have been lonely.
5 - He might have made friends.
6 - He wouldn't have wanted to meet his mother.
7 - He would have become a clever child anyway.
8 - He wouldn't have been interviewed by foster parents.

Part 2

D. Ask a partner the following questions:

1. If you could change something about your past, what would you change? Justify it.
2. If you could grant only one wish for the future, what would it be?
3) If you could change something that happened in the history of humanity, what would you change?

E. Switch roles.





  1. Ola. Gostaria de saber se é possivel baixar os videos, pois muitas vezes não temos acesso à Internet em sala de aula.
    Já tentei com o Real Player, mas não foi possivel.



  2. Oi Camila,
    A única maneira que sei é pelo Realplayer. Não sei por que voce não consegue. Vai no realplayer, pede por preferencias, verifique download de gravações e clique o quadrado de opção para gravar video da web. Ele deve está "off". Diga-me se conseguiu. Abraços.

  3. “Meet the Robinsons” the new Disney movie which is based on the book “A Day with Wilbur Robinson” by William Joyce.This movie is about a child Lewis who lived in orphanage....This movie is vey funny movie. i like the movie. I watch meet the robinsons movie from this website

  4. Very good activity!
    Thanks for making this material available to other teachers.
    See you.

  5. Thanks, Henrique. I'm glad you like it. See you around.

  6. Muito obrigada por disponibilizar tantas atividades legais. Entrei hj pela primeira vez e já virei fã.

  7. Obrigado, Maria. Palavras bastante motivadoras.

  8. Eu tb já sou uma big fan!
    Tenho q agradecer muito por vc ter todo o trabalho de pesquisar e depois disponibilizar pra gente...
    Meus alunos adoram essas atividades! Já trabalhamos com vários "segments".
    Thanks a million, Cláudio!


  9. Sou uma big fan!
    Muito obrigada por disponibilizar tantas atividades interessantes. Meus alunos adoram os "segments". Quando veem a sala na penumbra já sabem q vou usar uma das suas atividades!
    Obrigada, Cláudio.


  10. Obrigado Angélica. Muito bom saber disto. Até.
